Monday, September 15, 2008

There seem to be several posts on "Trading Jobs" in Global Issues, Local Arguments. I guess it seems to be such an interesting topic which is my take on the subject. Outsourcing has seemed to be an issue that has affected several people for many years and has not been acknowledged. After reading this section, I realized that it plays an important role in what is going on in our economy. Large amounts of workers, my aunt included, recently got laid off from a South Austin factory. The factory manufactures medical equipment, an assumed need. My aunt has been looking for a job that pays just about the same amount, even a little less, but has not been successful in her field. Not only are jobs outsourced to India, but I'm sure are outsourced to several different regions. Thousands of people have lost their jobs because of this and cannot find a stable one.  Such a situation seems scary to those who have jobs; they want to hold on to it. Like Stephanie, I wonder if the outsourcing is beneficial to the economy or not. It seems to be that outsourcing is both beneficial to certain countries and not in others. 

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