Monday, September 29, 2008

To be for illegal immigration, or not to be.....that is the question.

I beleive that Ruben Navarrette is right. America sends so many mixed messgaes to immigrants. Many people are staunchly against illegal immigration yet their actions seem to support it. And like I've said many times before, I think that the American people are ignorant of the issues facing us today. Take for example immigration. People don't realize that the reason things are so cheap is because of illegal immigrants. Most immigrants are willing to take jobs that many Americans themselves will not take. And they're willing to take them at dirt -cheap pay. So the immigrants definately draw the short end of the stick here. Now a days, there is all this talk about ways to prevent illegal immigration by extending the wall along the border and increasing its security. (I don't know about you, but honestly....building a wall. I think it sounds a little medieval and majorly out-dated. It's not like we're in a Simpsons movie and by putting a wall infront of us we won't know how to get around it.) The truth of the matter is that the wall has proven to be innefective. Some say that the wall is working, and that places that used to be high traffic areas for crossing have decreased and are now under control. What's really happening is that the wall has just shifted everything. So now regions along the border that never used to be popular sites for crossing over have become the most popular site for crossing over. Overall the wall has done very little to stop immigration. If people want to cross they're going to find a way to cross. Putting a wall infront of them is not going to stop them. It's just like putting a fence in your yard to prevent people from climbing over. If people really believe in ending illegal immigration then they should find some self-discipline from within and restrain from buying cheap products and hiring cheap labor. But from what I've seen, greed seems to dominate over all the senses and impaires judgement. People are going to say they're opposed to illegal immigration as they buy their cheap fruit that illegal immigrants have picked.

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