Of all that we were assigned to read over the weekend, Ruben Navarrette, Jr.'s article "America's Mixed Messages to Foreigners at the Gate" impacted me the most on pages 148-150. The article was basically dicussing the mixed signals we give illegal immigrants. It used the example, that English only laws say to immigrants, "In the United States we speak English and we demand the same of you. Don't expect us to cater to you in your native tongue." But then we turn right back around and have biligual classrooms, ballots, menus, and etc. We give the contradictory message of "dont bother learning English. Keep your native tongue." What I loved about this article is how true it was. The immigrants arent only being exploited and harrassed because they came into a country that didnt want them here in the first place. The come to a country that is sending contradictory signals. As much as we say, "down with illegal immigration", we are the ones holding on to it. We are not willing to turn down cheap labor and even cheaper goods if it means exploiting and mistreating a group of people. The honesty of Navarrette is what i loved the most...
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