Monday, September 29, 2008


These readings offer a lot of insight to the process of immigration. They explore the hardships and challenges that immigrants, specifically illegal immigrant, must face as they make their way into new nations. Is it really fair to offer them so much sympathy when they are in fact breaking laws? On the other hand, is it fair to deny them a chance to pursue success and a better life?
Immigrants are trying to find a better life for themselves. America, being such a rich country, is an ideal destination for many. In Annan's speech, he promotes the often overlooked benefits of immigration to the American culture and economy. Without the use of immigrant labor, the economy would be very different. These people who are willing to take whatever jobs necessary to earn a living are helping to support our economy.
Annan describes the United States as a "nation built by immigration." Can a nation that was formed by the coming together of different cultures actually hault immigration? While so many American citizens are opposed to legal and illegal immigration alike, would it actually be possible for the economy to continue to flourish if immigration was drastically decreased?

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