Monday, September 29, 2008

Just Trying to be American

Immigration has always been a topic that is close to my heart. Since I am from South Texas, I personally knew and had close encounters with illegal immigrants. I personally believe that illegal immigrants are some of the most hard working people in this country, but are never given the chance to actually fulfill their goals; trying to make a good life for themselves and their families.

In the readings it talks about how illegal immigrants take the jobs that americans won't take. I think this is a fair assessment to make.

Additionally, I feel that when illegal immigrants come into our nation they have no idea what they are getting themselves in to. Punishing illegal immigrants will not solve the problem, because they are not the problem. I personally feel that working with central and south American nations (a main source of our illegal population) is one effective step to take.

The readings offered an interesting perspective on immigration.
I specifically agree with the statement, "the worst thing is for a society to set up a new and separate economic class with a different set of rights."

That is the development of America right now. As a country we treat illegal immigrants like third class citizens. Now whether or not this is intentional or on purpose is up to the individual person, but the way we talk, joke, and just portray illegals are always in a negative light.

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