Monday, September 22, 2008


In today's world, immigration is a very hot topic. After reading Crossing Borders, I was actually surprised at some of the information I found. I never truly knew what a problem immigration was. It seems to be a topic that stumps republicans to find a solution, as well as a source of conflict for the public. I do on the otherhand understand both sides of the argument. Some people say that these illegal immigrants are taking our health care. Others say that we treat them unjust. In my eyes both of these are right. The thing that surprised me in this chapter, is just how unjust these immigrants are treated, whether they be illegal or not. Although Mexicans only represent one in twenty four workers in the United states, they make up one in four teen deaths on the job. One particular viewpoint, from a women who worked in an factory highly inhibited by immigrants, was a real eye opener on the issue. In this factory, women were given stereotypical jobs as well as paid below minimum wage with no benefits. It was also obvious and known to the boss that some of the employees were not legal. They are definitely not given healthcare as well. Many of these immigrants could be found being shoved into vans, and taken back across the border, without even getting to say bye to family members. Also it is known that these immigrants are taken back to their countries just days before pay day. This hardly seems to be a coincidence. So this means that these people put in their time and effort for literally no pay. Do I think that anyone should be able to live in the United States whenever they want? I honestly do not. If our economy cannot support them than it will only be hurting everyone. On the other hand I certainly do not think that people should be tricked into working for free. Any person would rather be reported then work for a month and be reported just days before they receive compensation. I would be very intersted to learn more about immigration, because neither I, nor any other educated person seems to know what to do about this issue.

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